September 16, 2020
Community Legal Aid Welcomes New Testing Coordinator of the Worcester Fair Housing Project
Contact: Laura Hancock Barry, Development Manager
Community Legal Aid
Phone: (508) 425-2798
Email: lhbarry@cla-ma.org
Community Legal Aid, a non-profit organization that provides free legal services to low-income and elderly residents of Central and Western Massachusetts, is pleased to announce that Genesis Valverde has joined the organization as the Worcester Fair Housing Project’s testing coordinator.
A native of Southern California, Ms. Valverde recently returned to the United States after completing two years in the Peace Corps, serving in Armenia as a community development volunteer. During her time abroad, she helped complete multiple projects including establishing a mobile dental clinic for villages along the Azerbaijan-Armenia border. Prior to her service in the Peace Corps, Ms. Valverde worked as a case manager at a domestic violence shelter. She is a graduate of Utah State University where she earned a degree in Social Work.
Ms. Valverde said, “I am proud to be involved in this work to ensure that no one is denied a home based on prejudice or discrimination and to help promote open, accessible, and inclusive communities.”
The Worcester Fair Housing Project is a partnership between Community Legal Aid and the City of Worcester working to combat housing discrimination throughout Worcester County. The Project combines direct legal advocacy and community outreach and education to help ensure that tenants in the community are aware of their fair housing rights. The project is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
About Community Legal Aid:
Community Legal Aid provides free civil legal services to the low-income and elderly residents of the five counties of Central and Western Massachusetts (Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire, and Worcester), and maintains full-time offices in Worcester, Fitchburg, Springfield, Northampton, and Pittsfield. Community Legal Aid works to assure fairness for all in the justice system, protecting homes, livelihoods, health and families. For more information, please visit www.communitylegal.org.