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Apply by Phone
Because of the large number of calls we receive, you may be on hold for longer than 15 minutes. Please be patient, as your call will be answered in the order it is received. Things to know before calling.
Call: (855) 252-5342 | (855) CLA-LEGAL
Telephone Intake Hours:
Monday, 9:30 am to 12:15 pm
Tuesday, 9:30 am to 12:15 pm
Wednesday, 1:30 pm to 4:15 pm
Thursday, 9:30 am to 12:15 pm
Friday, 9:30 am to 12:15 pm
Apply Online
Things to know before applying
Nota: Es posible que recibas un error después de enviar tu solicitud. No se preocupe, su solicitud seguirá siendo procesada.
Who We Help
Our services are provided to the following persons who live in or have a legal problem that arises in Central or Western Massachusetts:
- Low-income households.
- Seniors (age 60 and over). Please note, because of special funding, we are able to serve some seniors outside of our regular service area. Click here for more information.
- Victims of crime and survivors of homicide victims.
- Survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
- People who have experienced housing discrimination.
Do not apply online if:
- You know or think that CLA may already be representing the other side in your case. Please call us on the telephone.
- You have already applied for help for this problem. Call us on the telephone.
- You are concerned that the computer you are using may not be secure, and there is a risk that someone else may find out you have contacted legal services for help. Be aware that not all computers are secure. If you use a computer shared by others, they may be able to find out that you have applied online for legal help. Instead, call us on the telephone.