Register to Volunteer
Becoming a Community Legal Aid volunteer is easy! By becoming a volunteer, you can make justice real for people living in poverty.
To volunteer, you can sign up online or download a registration form. Once we receive your registration form, a CLA Pro Bono Coordinator will contact you.
Participation in CLA Pro Bono Programs is open to any licensed attorney in good standing with the Massachusetts Board of Bar Overseers. To participate in a Limited Assistance Representation (LAR) case, you must be certified through the Massachusetts Trial Court. For more information on how to become LAR-certified, click here.
We encourage attorneys of all levels of experience to apply.
For further information, please contact:
Meredith Palmer, Pro Bono Director
Community Legal Aid
One Monarch Place, Suite 400
Springfield, MA 01144
P: 413-686-9010
E: mpalmer@cla-ma.org