Anna’s Story
“Anna” came to the United States from Poland after meeting her fiancé online. They were married almost immediately after her arrival, and she quickly realized he was controlling, threatening, and abusive. For years, Anna was not allowed to leave their rural home without him. She and her husband had two children together, which increased the opportunities for control.
Like many survivors, Anna suffered through the abuse for several years. It was not until her husband began turning his abusive behaviors toward their two children that she took action to leave the marriage. With representation of Staff Attorney Julie Dick, Anna obtained a restraining order, accessed emergency housing, impounded her address, and began moving forward with a divorce.
A year and a half of contentious litigation ensued, which included multiple hearings on motions for temporary orders and contempt. All of these events were complicated by difficulty accessing Court interpreters for Anna.
During one hearing, the Anna’s husband was allowed to cross examine her. His questions revealed his controlling and abusive conduct: that he had brought Anna to this country and therefore owned her choices, her actions, and access to her body. With Attorney Dick’s preparation and support, Anna answered his questions with clarity and dignity, and the Court unilaterally credited her testimony over his.
After the Zoom trial, the Probate and Family Court issued a judgment granting Anna sole legal and physical custody of their children, requiring safe boundaries around any parenting time that may happen in the future, and granting the autonomy to vacation with her children freely. The Court also granted a fair child support order and an equitable distribution of marital tax debt.
After years of being told by her abuser that she would not be believed over an American and could not count on the courts to help her, Anna and her children were now safe.