Access to Justice Volunteers
Community Legal Aid
THANK YOU to our 2022-2023 Access to Justice Campaign Volunteers
Jennifer Breen, Chair
Donovan O’Connor & Dodig, LLP
Melissa L. Brooks
Berkshire Country District Attorney’s Office
Mark Gold
Smith Green & Homes, LLP
Allyson Holmes
Smith Green & Homes, LLP
Ethan Klepetar
Hellman, Shearn, & Arienti, LLP
Shawn P. Leary
Shawn P. Leary, Attorney at Law
Buffy Duringer Lord
Donovan O’Connor & Dodig, LLP
Hon. James McElroy (Ret.)
Jeffrey O’Connor
Cain, Hibbard, & Myers, PC
Hon Francis X. Spina (Ret.)
Franklin County Access to Justice Campaign Committee
Hon. Beth Crawford (Ret.), Co-Chair
Dorothy Storrow, Co-Chair
Storrow Law Offices
Hon. Herbert Hodos (Ret.)
Lisa Kent
Esser Kent, PC
Dierdre Kimball
Dierdre Kimball, Esq
Linda Singer
Nathaniel Tripp
Gruber & Tripp, LLC
Hon. Geoffrey Wilson (Ret.)
Kathryn S. Crouss, Co-Chair
Doherty, Wallace, Pillsbury & Murphy, PC
Maria F. Rodriguez, Co-Chair
Peter Benjamin
Alice Bers
Center for Medicare Advocacy
Charles Casartello, Jr.
Pellegrini, Seeley, Ryan & Blakesley
Beth Cohen
Western New England University of Law
Hon. Anne Geoffrion (Ret.)
Hon. John Greaney (Ret.)
Stephanie A. Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald Family Law
Laura Mangini
Alekman DiTusa, LLC
Susan Arnold McCoy
Halloran Sage
Patrick Markey
Markey Barrett, PC
James F. Martin
Pullman & Comley
Jodi Miller
Bulkely, Richardson & Gelinas, LLP
Timothy F. Murphy
Skoler, Abbott & Presser, PC
Christopher Pierson
Bacon Wilson, PC
Paul H. Rothschild
Bacon Wilson, PC
Barry Ryan
Doherty, Wallace, Pillsbury & Murphy, PC
Hon. David Sacks (Ret.)
Sondra Santanelli
Pellegrini, Seeley, Ryan & Blakesley
Christopher Visser
Bulkley, Richardson & Gelinas, LLP
Marissa Elkins, Co-Chair
Elkins, Auer, Rudof & Schiff
Michele Kunitz, Co-Chair
Inclusive Prosperity Capital, Inc.
Laura Arbeitman
Law Office of Laura F. Arbeitman
Erin Buzuvis
Western New England University Law School
John DiBartolo Jr.
Law Office of John P. DiBartolo, Jr.
Dan Fierst
Fierst, Bloomberg, Ohm, LLP
Hon. Bertha Josephson (Ret.)
Melinda Mason
Bulkley, Richardson & Gelinas, LLP
Bruce McAmis
John McNally
Law office of John D. McNally
William Newman
Lesser, Newman, Aleo & Nasser
Hon. Gail Perlman (Ret.)
Worcester County Access to Justice Campaign Committee
Lynette Paczkowski, Chair
Bowditch & Dewey, LLP
Leonardo Angiulo
Angiulo Law
Michael Badger
Badger Legal Group
Douglas Brown
UMass Memorial Health
Jesse Caplan
Affiliated Monitors
Robin DeAugustinis
Mountain, Dearborn & Whiting, LLP
Brian P. Doherty
Boyle | Shaughnessy Law, PC
Francis Ford
Ford Mediation
Carlos Nicholas Formaggia
Law Office of Carlos N Formaggia
Matthew Frascella
Allegro Microsystems, LLC
Elizabeth K. Halloran
Tansley Halloran
Pamela Heacock
UMass Memorial Health
Lianne Henderson
Committee for Public Counsel Service, Worcester
Corey Higgins
Mirick, O’Connell, Demallie & Lougee, LLP
Shaun McDonough
Edward McIntyre
McIntyre Mediation
Elizabeth W. Morse
Wickstrom Morse, LLP
Hon. Luis G. Perez (Ret.)
Glickman, Sugarman, Kneeland & Gribouski
Maria Rivera-Cotto
Law Office of Maria M. Rivera-Cotto
Todd Rodman
Seder & Chandler, LLP
Benjamin Rudolf
Murphy & Rudolf, LLP
Jonathan Sigel
Mirick, O’Connell, Demallie & Lougee, LLP
Dolores Thibault-Munoz
NewVue Communities
Patrick C. Tinsley
Fletcher Tilton, PC
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