Linh became aware that she had miscalculated her travel schedule by one day and she had been out of the country for more than the 30 days allowed by Social Security regulations. As a result, Linh’s SSI, her only source of income, was terminated.
“My stomach dropped when I saw the eviction letter… We didn't do anything wrong, but an eviction just feels so personal. This is where my kids have grown up.” CLA helped TracyLee prevent an illegal eviction and stay in her home.
When Mindy’s ex-partner was jailed for abuse, she thought she and her daughter could start afresh. But when he was released from jail two years later, he tracked her down and threatened further abuse. CLA helped Mindy protect her family from the abuser, permanently.
Laurie was working two full-time jobs to support her children and make payments on her mortgage. When her home was illegally foreclosed on and sold at auction, she had 48 hours to leave. CLA helped Laurie to overturn the eviction and keep her home.